It’s hard to believe that this time last year, after marking Rosh Hoshanah with the sounding (read: tooting) of my shofar and the baking (read: burning) of my challah bread, I celebrated the conclusion of my “year of biblical womanhood.”
Sounding my shofar after a tashlich ceremony at the conclusion of Rosh Hashanah. Not pictured: frightened birds
A few months later, with trembling fingers, I hit “send” and delivered my 100,000+ word manuscript to Thomas Nelson, where my talented and longsuffering editor took one look at it and said, “can you trim this down a bit?”
My "glory" after 365 days without a haircut
And now— after several rounds of edits and a bit of controversy—it’s nearly time to share my experience with you. A Year of Biblical Womanhood officially releases on October 30...just 20 days from now!
Of course, this means it’s time to put on my promotion hat, a task made much easier by the fact that I believe so strongly in the message of this book. As always, I promise to share this part of the journey with as much transparency and honesty as I can muster—when it’s fun, when it’s frustrating, when it’s rewarding, when it’s crazy, when it feels right and when it feels wrong.
Don’t worry. I won’t be inundating the blog with promotional material and review—our series and discussions will continue as usual—but for those of you who want to take a more active role in getting the word out about A Year of Biblical Womanhood, I want to let you know about a cool opportunity offered by my publisher.
In addition to a scheduled blog tour, we’re inviting up to 75 readers to be part of a Launch Team for A Year of Biblical Womanhood.
As a member of the Launch Team, you will get:
- a complimentary, electronic, "Advance Reader's Copy" of A Year of Biblical Womanhood
- access to one of those cool secret Facebook groups
- behind the scenes participation in a national book launch
You'll be expected to:
- read the book
- participate in the Launch Team Facebook group
- write an honest review of the book on Amazon or Barnes & Noble during launch week
- spread the word via social networking and word and mouth
If more than 75 people apply, my team at Thomas Nelson will make a selection based on their own criteria.
The best thing about blogging is that it keeps me in constant communication with my readers. I wrote this book for you. I thought of you through every “biblical” experiment, through every first draft, through every re-write, and through every marketing decision. So bear with me over the next 20 days as things get a little crazy, and please feel free to tell me if you have questions, concerns, or ideas.
This book is meant to be a conversation-starter. I can’t wait to see what ideas you bring to it!
(By the way, the book includes more than 20 pictures!)
UPDATE: Thanks for your interest! We're no-longer accepting new applications.
View Application Page
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