Some (cheap) book news…

by Rachel Held Evans Read Distraction Free

As a book addict, I’m always on the lookout for good sales, so I thought I’d let you know that TODAY ONLY, (March 24), Amazon is selling the Kindle version of A Year of Biblical Womanhood for just $2.99. 

While you’re there, consider adding Sarah Bessey’s excellent book, Jesus Feminist, to your cart as it’s on sale for just $1.99 on Kindle and Nook.

…That’s a whole lot of Jesus-feministy valor for five bucks.

(Note: I realize these sales only apply the U.S. I wish I could change that, but we authors have very little influence over when and where our books are discounted.) 

In other book news, Zondervan is *re-releasing* Evolving in Monkey Town as Faith Unraveled on April 8.  The biggest changes are a new cover and new title. Most of the content is the same. This is my first book, and it explains how I went from winning the "Best Christian Attitude Award" at school every year to questioning the existence of God…all in the context of the Bible Belt. You can pre-order Faith Unraveled on Kindle and Nook for just $3.99 right now, which is a great deal. I suspect the price will go up upon release. 

Some other good books on sale at Amazon and Barnes & Noble right now include Still by Lauren Winner ($2.99) and An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor ($3.99). 

So basically, if you’ve been eager to fill up your e-reader with women’s voices, you can do that for cheap this week! 

Finally, as I mentioned last week, I’m still in the writing process for the next book, my third book, which is about church and tentatively titled Sunday Morning. That one is not available yet...cause a good part of it is STILL IN MY HEAD! Yikes.  I’ll of course keep you update when we have a release date for that. 

Happy reading!

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